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Tag Archives: White Party

Blacks Who Travel

Travel Review 2018, The top places to go!

As I sit at Christmas time reflecting on 2018 a smile comes to my face.  THis is our Blacks Who Travel, Travel Review. We had a great year of travel. Nikki and I traveled internationally 7 times this year.  We went to 1 new place,

5 Reasons Black People like White Parties!

5 Reasons Black People like White Parties! For awhile now White Parties have been popular within the Black Community.  If you look on the internet for events in just about every major city you can find a White Party.  The venues may vary, but the

All White Weekend

All White Weekend

All White Weekend Tampa This passed weekend Tampa hosted an All White Weekend.  I love all white parties.  They had 4 events in 3 days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Tampa was the perfect setting for this.  They had All White Masquerade Ball on a Yacht,