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Tag Archives: Trump

New Rules on Cuba are finally here!

New Rules on Cuba are finally here! June 16, 2017, President Trump announced a new Cuba Policies in a speech in Miami, FL.  At that time no rules or regulations were officially established therefore nothing changed.  Today, October 8, 2017, new rules are finally here! 

Answering the Call for Help!

Cruise Lines Answer the Call for Help in Puerto Rico!

  Cruise Lines Answer the Call for Help in Puerto Rico! Hurricane Maria did catastrophic damage to Puerto Rico.  97% of the country is without power.  That means no electricity, no air-conditioning, no refrigeration, no gas, no ATM, no work.  3.5 Million people are struggling

New Travel Rules to Cuba

President Trump’s New Travel Rules for Cuba

New Travel Rules for Cuba Today’s decision is a setback in US-Cuban relations.  The Trump Administration has stiffened the travel restrictions on Americans traveling to Cuba. Under President Kennedy, the Cuban embargo banned tourism from the US.  President Obama, relaxed regulations allowing Americans to visit

Traveling to Cuba without Government Permission!

Why it is not a good idea to travel to Cuba through another Country without Government Permission Cuba is the only country that Americans need government permission to visit.  You can travel to China, Russia, and North Korea.  The US Government does not restrict travel

Trump Administration to Close Down Cuba!

Trump Administration to Close Down Cuba! Last July I sat aboard the Fathom Cruise ship and had a fierce debate with passengers about the future of Cuba as a tourist destination and the  long the Fathom Cruise line would last.   I used my head to