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All posts by Bill Collins

Cancun is not just for Spring Break!

Cancun is not just for Spring Break! Spring break has made Cancun popular in the United States, however, the Yucatan Peninsula has so much more to offer!  Cancún, Mexico is a city on the Yucatán Peninsula bordering the Caribbean Sea.  Like the United States, Mexico

Favorite Places to Eat in New Orleans!

Favorite Restaurants in New Orleans! Are you planning a trip to New Orleans?  If so I am sure you are getting your list of restaurants together.  Have you heard about the food in New Orleans?  Most people say it is the best in the World!

5 Places to Vacation after the 2017 Hurricanes

5 Places to Vacation after the 2017 Hurricanes

5 Places to Vacation after the 2017 Hurricanes As many Caribbean Islands rebuild after the 2017 Hurricanes, travelers are struggling with where to go.  Popular destinations such as  St. Thomas USVI, St. Croix USVI, Puerto Rico, St. Martin, and St. Martinique were devastated and are

Everything you need to know about Bahamas Junkanoo!

Everything you need to know about Bahamas Junkanoo! For well over 500 years Junkanoo has been an important tradition on the Islands of the Bahamas. The actual history of Junkanoo is in dispute.  What is not in dispute is the entertainment that Junkanoo provides.  Nor

Stingray City a day to remember!

Stingray City a day to remember! Stingrays are some of the most fascinating creatures on earth.  They have size, grace, and power.  Most people can identify them but know very little about them.  Have you ever had a chance to meet a Stingray up close?

One Great Weekend!

One Great Weekend! Early in the Summer, I was looking at my Nephew’s Football schedule at Princeton.  After all, this was going to be his senior year.  The last home game is Senior Day and it is usually against Harvard or Yale.  The game was

New Rules on Cuba are finally here!

New Rules on Cuba are finally here! June 16, 2017, President Trump announced a new Cuba Policies in a speech in Miami, FL.  At that time no rules or regulations were officially established therefore nothing changed.  Today, October 8, 2017, new rules are finally here! 

Answering the Call for Help!

Cruise Lines Answer the Call for Help in Puerto Rico!

  Cruise Lines Answer the Call for Help in Puerto Rico! Hurricane Maria did catastrophic damage to Puerto Rico.  97% of the country is without power.  That means no electricity, no air-conditioning, no refrigeration, no gas, no ATM, no work.  3.5 Million people are struggling

Our Day in Key West!

*This post was written right before Hurricane Irma hit Key West, Fort Myers and the rest of Florida! Key West Trip via the Key West Express Nikki and I have been to Key West about 8 or 9 times.  We have traveled there by multiple

Time for Rum!

Behind the Scenes at Bacardi Rum!

Behind the Scenes at Bacardi Rum! Bacardi may be the best-known/well-known brand of Rum in the world.  Many of us recognize the Bacardi logo.  Some may even know a few Bacardi recipes.  Recently, on a trip to San Juan, I took the Bacardi Rum Distillery